About Email & Coffee
Hello, World ; )
Looking for inspiration? Email and Coffee | A Digital Café and Women in Email Marketing Mastermind are the foundations of my community.
My Story
Why Email & Coffee?
Email marketing isn’t rocket science, but more like making coffee. I search for an aromatic, whole‑bean roast and explore it’s character. I measure, grind and experiment over time. I mix the sweet with the creamy, stir it neatly and pour, hot and steamy, into my favorite mug. With an understanding of flavor profiles, I blend and pivot.
Close your eyes. Imagine a world where email marketing expertise is brewed to perfection in a weekly, collaborative mastermind.
Got it? Okay. Now, picture this. A host, as connective as email, and a guest, as distinctive as a coffee blend, bringing rich flavors of passion and expertise together.
In the Women of Email Marketing Mastermind (WiEMM), ideas percolate and potential is distilled.
While the Email & Coffee podcast serves up a curated selection of insights, where email (me!) meets coffee (you?) in perfect harmony.
These form a potent brew that jumpstart careers and fuel imaginations. Get ready for a taste that will awaken your professional senses and spark your next big breakthrough!